❝ i can't love you as i am. so i'll make a version of me who can.


Arpéchéle is a small country in western Europe. Surrounded by the sea and black flowers of misfortune called Lycoris Noirge, humans in this country are born with a “death curse” that leads to death by age 23.The people of the country bemoan and oppose their short-lived fates after a drifter from a distant land washes up on their shores and informs them of their odd lifespans. Lamenting that their island must be cursed by the god of Death, the Brofiise family sought knowledge from the drifter to extend their lives, but rejected to hear his knowledge beyond that of genetic science.Still, after many years of research, a system was created—a “memory download” system, in which the body that dies by age 23 is discarded, and only the memories live on, at the expense of one's heart. Those who live forever through memory download are known as “Relivers” and oft continue to resist their short lives every 23 years when their physical form begins to wane once more, trapped in a cycle of rebirth.a recent string of reliver deaths at the hands of a serial killer in Arpéchéle have set the public alert, however, and has left even the institute itself at a loss for why relivers seem to be dying at an alarming rate...

Scien brofiise is a scientist...

whom the people of Arpéchéle hail as being loved by god. following in the footsteps of his grandfather and father before him who sought to extend human life beyond 23 years, he developed the technology to create relivers and cemented himself as the most powerful of arpéchéle's people, above that of even the pompous, greedy royal family. given a massive research institute from which all of the country is barred save those he invites within and all the tools he needs to continue his research, scien has shut himself off from the rest of society at large.as someone who originally had the goal of breaking the curse entirely so that humans could naturally age on the island as opposed to simply reviving forever, he has lost sight of his initial wish and sense of passion, having fallen into a bleak and repetitive state of killing himself off, reviving, and starting over from scratch to find ways to strengthen relivers rather than freeing Arpéchéle itself.having turned his back on human nature and emotional complexity, he values efficiency over empathy and only takes an interest in the murders when it appears to involve his own reliver technology.

profile : / scien brofiise, the director of the national research institute.

age: 83 years of age, permanently mentally & physically frozen at the age of 23 : must be reborn every 23 years when death's curse claims his body, though he tends to clone and kill his old body often without reaching the threshold for his age.
gender: cis male ( he / him )
orientation: greysexual, greyromantic, capable of forming a romantic bond with any adult on any gender spectrum : but relivers are not able to retain their emotions when transferred to a new body, only their memories. this makes relationships difficult. scien has the power to look into and fix this bug, but has thus far chosen not to.
species: reliver : a unique clone of a human being created by scien himself to expand the lives of those who live on arpéchéle : those born on the island can only live to 23 years old before being claimed by death's curse.
height: 5'9".
eyes: bright violet, with bright blue pupils : a dead giveaway that he is a reliver, where his mark is not.
body: tall, slender, and athletic. despite his appearance, he is incredibly strong and can hold his own in combat, though self taught. | he has a blooming flower marking over the expanse of his neck, which is the mark on his body to brand him a reliver.

Though Arpéchéle is ruled by the royals publicly, everyone on the island knows that the full political power belongs almost solely to scien and, by extension, the institute. he is, however, wholly uninterested in politics and spends all of his time shut off from the world experimenting, primarily on himself, for ways to enhance reliver technology. whilst seeking an answer to the shortened lifespan of humans on Arpéchéle, he created near total immortality through the use of his memory upload system. he treats humans as expendable and disregards relivers lack of emotional capacity : he has come to view emotions as bugs in the system, rather than an unique facet of humanity.

so then, do i take it to mean i have permission to terminate myself?

i'll embrace the emotions i've lost sight of, and i will rise to become god!

PERSONALITY PROFILE... cold, unempathetic, objectively cruel, and wholly absorbed in the pursuit of science over humanity, scien is held on a pedestal among Arpéchéle's populace as something not unlike a god. he is detached from society and rarely seen outside of the institute, making him something of an enigma to the death-cursed citizens he's hailed for saving. despite his public image as a savior, scien has no emotional stock in the goal of saving Arpéchéle's people from the curse they've convinced themselves to be afflicted of. he took up the research of his father and grandfather before him for no other reason than boredom, and his creation of reliver technology was the result of his own experimentation on himself.he spends all of his time researching and perfecting his technology to keep humans alive well past the age of twenty-three. his mind is one-track, leaving him to hardly, if ever, recognize the people around him. he's difficult if not impossible to impress, and unnwilling to entertain the ideas of others if they he deems them not worth his time. this has led to backlash from the populace of humans on the island who are disturbed by reliver's lack of emotional capacity, and scien's refusal to fix what he considers to be an "optimal" performance. he sees no use in re-establishing the human hearts of relivers, and has left them without the capability to retain emotions from love to hatred to passion each time they are reset.anti-reliver cultists often protest against the technology, hailing scien and his "kind" as demons without a soul. he pays them no mind, thinking it a folly to give them attention. that said, he does not listen to the pleas of fellow relivers, either, who seek to have their hearts given back to them.though certainly not a good man, scien's desire to cure Arpéchéle's ails were once genuine and driven by his own passion. having lost his heart, he is a shell of whom he once was : with the power of a god, but none of the drive. he'd had a heart, once, too. and perhaps he'd even been kinder, when he did. but that's long past now, until something or someone convinces him, at long last, that one's heart is worth saving.


a nation isolated not by choice, but through reputation, to such a degree that its existence has fallen almost entirely into myth, arpéchéle is said to be cursed by their vindictive archon who vanished from the public eye hundreds of years ago with only his flowers of death left behind. having lost the one he loved most, it is said he will one day return to reap flowers sown in blood to revive her and reclaim his throne among the humans he turned his back on. their island's history is shrouded in uncertainty and mystery, but centuries of being subjected to a lifespan that ends at twenty-three years, citizens of Arpéchéle have long accepted that their archon has abandoned them to their fate with no way of making amends. they've turned to the institute and its leader, scien brofiise, to artificially lengthen their lifespan via means of reliver technology, awaiting the day that their archon returns to gather his death flowers and make from their misery a blackened bouquet with which to propose to a lost love.



full summary coming soon, tldr arpéchéle is a planet plagued by a stellaron that has fully poisoned its ecosystem, infecting humanity with toxins that shorten their lifespan to 23 years. yada yada reliver technology allows them to survive but yada yada their planet is dying because of the poison the stellaron has spread throughout the world yada yada.

full summary coming soon, tldr arpéchéle is an area on the map inaccessible by most people outside of it. no one from outside knows what's through the poisonous mist, and no one from inside has ever made it out, thus rumors that it's inhabitable and humanity inside what was once a bustling nation are long dead. this is not the case : there are a population of humans still alive through the mist who have acclimated to its environment, but are incapable of leaving without dying. they cannot live without the poisonous lycoris, but cannot live full lives with it. entering the mist requires a scientific mind to keep from getting poisoned, but it is possible.›› verse may or may not be reworked once more story updates give us more info on the setting.



Ok so, hi, I'm Unicorn & I'm just going to give a quick rundown for rules. This is a very chill blog. My activity will be sporadic, as this isn't my main roleplay blog / muse, but nonetheless, if you're here, I'm glad you are! Real quick, I'm 21+, queer, pronouns are she/her, and I have social anxiety up the wazoo so if I take some time to respond to IM's or accidentally leave you on read sometimes, my apologies! Feel free to re-approach me. I do have many blogs, it's cool if you don't follow them all. I'm just having fun & coping. :')



I will not be writing the following topics in threads at all and do not wish to associate with those who do, namely : incest, rape, pedophilia. If you as a person exhibit racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, etc, behavior / rhetoric, I will block you. PROSHIPPERS, FUCK OFF, this is not a safe space for you. I do not want you creeps anywhere near me. I do read callouts to form opinions, but I don't get involved in baseless drama.

i am always open to shipping, whether plotted or something that naturally happens between our muses. if you ask, i probably will say yes as i'm incredibly lax & don't mind just kinda jumping into things. that said, i prob won't ask first because i'm pretty shy and don't really approach people often lol. i also don't require shipping to interact, i'm perfectly fine exploring dynamics other than just romantic, incl. platonic / familial / hate / etc, etc. but! this blog is multiship & each ship is its own thing. obvsly, i only ship scien with adults & i will not write with minor muns, let alone ship with them. i don't write nsfw bar one or two exceptions if i'm extremely close friends w someone. scien's emotions are a slow build, that being said, as he can't... technically feel them. at first. :)



I typically write anywhere from 2-3 paragraphs in my replies, but I am fine both writing shorter and longer. Please know that I'm terrible at keeping things to one line, however. If you primarily write dialogue, I'm probably not the partner for you. I use animated icons. If my partner does not have icons at all, I will match this too. I use colored text sometimes & small text all the time, ask me not to use either & I will adjust for you. I format for fun, not as a necessity : don't be afraid to communicate. For the most part, I'll bend my form at to match my partner's for small things.

I'll have very sporadic activity, might disappear for days or weeks, etc. feel free to follow if you still think you want to write with me here, but be aware i am mutuals only so if I don't follow you back, I'm not interested in writing together. this blog is extremely selective. i'm exhausted mentally & having to deal with a lot of stuff off tumblr, so if me taking a hot minute to reply or write things for you bothers you... this is not the blog for you.



I am slow with replies. Do not remind me of replies, I have them drafted. You may ask to make sure I do, however do not hound me. If you unfollow & refollow bc of my slow activity, I'll just block you. Additionally, I usually hard block when I unfollow someone so I don't accidentally re-follow them. THE BEST WAY TO APPROACH ME is through my inbox, either unprompted or with memes. I highly encourage you to turn those responses into threads, as starter calls will be rare moving forward. I also welcome random starters being tagged to me. I am OC & Multimuse friendly.

firstly, i don't adhere to canon 100%. this is a rp blog and ofc i intend to build off of a lot of what VE gave us about scien. don't look to me for complete accuracy, but rather an expanding upon the character and how i personally read him. now then! ankou & adolphe. i'm just going to state my opinion here so i don't have to keep reiterating it on posts: i hated adolphe's route and don't lump him in with the other love interests when i discuss them in bulk. i like adolphe's character fine outside of his own route, so i only associate him with the group apart from the romantic relationship in act iii. ankou deserved better yada yada, they aren't my muses here, i'm just stating this bc it's relevant to my writing of scien: although i loved act iii for its plot / world building / etc, the romance featured made me ill. whenever i mention adolphe, it's NOT in relation to his romance route with ceres, and my blog whenever ankou gets brought up will treat them as separate people, particularly wrt how ankou and scien meet in the finale. that's all, i just wanted to put that out there.
